Thursday, February 5, 2015

Error 0x80071A90

I have been working on my laptop for setting up my development environment and update Win 8.1 Pro. I keep getting the error 0x80071A90 while doing the windows update or trying to add windows features like Hyper-V or IIS.
I searched entire MS KB base, but could not find any solid base for the error. Then I get a reference that there could be an anti-virus program which is causing problem on disk for real time scan.
I switched off the anti-virus program and everything worked well. I was able to install the updates, enable windows features like Hyper-V or IIS without much problem.

I hope this can help someone.


Arielle said...

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

thanks for your offer. I run across the same problem on Windows 10 Home wiht Avast Antivirus Program.

KoRRupT_1 said...

Brilliant.. disabling Macaffee did the trick! Saved me!!! thank you