Sunday, November 29, 2015

A day in developer's life

I got an opportunity to present in Microsoft Australia Ignite 2015 conference. I love writing the program as being developer by passion.
I thought to utilize this opportunity and focus on the new development changes which can help developers, interns help customer to quickly deliver the solution for business problems.
I would like to take a different step and want to message out that with new tools and solution style, we can also go and build SharePoint environments also easily.

You can find the recording and presentation at this channel9 link.

My talk is also being referred by Official SharePoint twitter account. You can find the reference at this link.

and they did it again, find link here

Looking forward to your comments and let me know if you would like to know more about specific area.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Collab365 - Global Conference

Recently, I have been engaged in doing presentation in community.

In continuation, I have been selected as speaker at Collab365 - Global Conference. You can find more information on their home page.

Sharing few quick links and details below -

When it's happening - 7 & 8 Oct 2015.
Where it is? - At your desk. It is virtual, you can join from anywhere with good internet speed to catch live sessions.

Speakers - A big line of speakers including MVPs and other leaders in the technology across the world. Speaker list is available here.

Agenda -

My session is about how we can bring more productivity to end user still doing the custom development. We may need to look at the different options available in Office 365 Dev and Office Dev along with SharePoint Dev.

Session details -

Register now, before it is too late.

Monday, May 11, 2015

SharePoint 2016 – What is in it?

Note: the information in this blog post is based on the information presented and available on public forums. The actual product SharePoint 2016 can have difference from what is available. Please do take time to check the new features when the product is released.
The same article with updated by other community member is also available at Technet Wiki.

Past few weeks been really busy, catching up Build and Ignite conferences (virtually through channel 9). One of the session which I have been waiting was What’s new in SharePoint 2016.

After the session, I thought to pin down my thought which might be helpful for quick summary to look out for what to expect in SharePoint 2016 (release is still a year later, a lot can change).

I would love to make points which makes it easier to read rather than reading the entire paragraph.
·       Release milestones: Public beta – Q4 2015, public download – Q2 2016 and a release candidate (RC) in between.
·       The design, development and maintenance for SharePoint 2016 going to inherit from cloud DNA.
·       Focusing on content management, team collaboration, user experience across devices and how the cloud can be blended into existing on-premises scenario.
·       New and improved capabilities will be delivered focusing on
o   Improved User Experience
§  Improved mobile experience
§  Personalized insights
§  People-centric File storage and collaboration
§  Power of Office graph and Delve (via hybrid)
o   Cloud-inspired infrastructure
§  Improved performance and reliability
§  Hybrid cloud with global reach
§  Support and monitoring tools
§  Simplified user experience and integration with products like next version of Win Server, SQL Server, Exchange Server 2016.
o   Compliance and Reporting
§  New DLP
§  Enable data encryption
§  Improved Analytics and reporting
·       Microsoft taken SharePoint online, modified to suite on-premises. Components which were not available are back ported.

New information available for SharePoint 2016 can be classified in 4 categories –
1.       Management of platform
·       System requirements
o Hardware Requirements
Installation Scenario
Memory / RAM
Hard Disk
Single Server*
16-24 GB
64-bit, 4 cores
80 GB
Farm Server
12-16 GB
64-bit, 4 cores
80 GB
Database Server
Refer system requirement for 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 or SQL vNext
*There is no built in SQL Server. You need to install a separate SQL Express/Developer or any other edition even for development server.
o Software Requirements
§  Any one of Windows Server 2012 R2 | Windows Server 10
§  Windows Management Framework 3.0
§  Application Server Role
§  Web Server (IIS) Role
§  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (in on Windows Server 10, then Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.6)
§  Update for the .NET Framework 4 (KB2898850)
§  Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client
§  Microsoft Identity Extensions
§  Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
§  Windows Server AppFabric v1.1 (MS is planning to end AppFabric, but it will be supported for SP 2013 and 2016).
§  Windows Identity Foundation v1.1
§  Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
§  Microsoft WCF Data Services.
·       Upgrade and Migration
o Upgrade path is from 2013 to 2016
§  Upgrade 14.5 mode site to 15 mode and then upgrade
§  Allow the same database attach upgrade process
o Migrate Content to 2016 (using migration APIs or partner tools)
·       Auth N-Z
o Windows Identity over SAML claims
o Trying to normalize on oAuth/OpenID standards
·       SMTP Connection
o Allow using non-default ports
o Allowing to use STARTTLS connection encryption.
2.       Reliability, Performance and scalability
·       Moving from SharePoint 2013 based job enable / disable to predefined set of logic executing on a machine (Termed as MinRole Topology)
·       New Server Roles in SharePoint 2016
o Special Load – custom service applications, services, third party components which are outside of MinRole Topology
o Web Front End – services end user requests. Servers are optimized for low latency
o Search – service application provisioning, indexing service and other search components.
o Application – services backend jobs or requests triggered by backend jobs. Servers are optmized for high throughput
o Distributed Cache – servers distributed cache for the farm.
o Single Server Farm – for development purpose, configure (excluding SQL Server) all services on one server.
·       New Service categories in SharePoint 2016
o User Services
o Robot Services
o Caching Services
·       Server Role and Health Analyzer
·       Patching Updates
·       Improvement in boundaries and limits
o Content DB size up to TB’s (not yet identified the limit)
o 100K sites per site collection
o List view threshold > 5000 items
o Upload file size up to 10 GB and removed character restrictions
o Search scaling up to 500 M items.
·       Better File Performance
o Use BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) to better file performance
·       Fast Site Creation
o Create faster site collections at database level using the standard site template saved as site.
o Remove feature activation overhead
·       User Profile Service
o Bi-directional sync using external FIM service. No built in FIM anymore.
·       Project Server
o Still require separate Project Server Licensing, but SharePoint and Project Server content database is merged.
·       Durable Links
o New sharing URLs are resources Id based, thus renaming file, moving file will not break the link already shared.
3.       Analytics (Insights and Data)
·       Real time data analysis on various parameters
o Usage
§  daily active users
§  Weekly active users
§  Usage by browser
§  Usage by agent
§  Usage by OS
o Storage
§  Storage by site template
§  Daily storage
§  File type
§  Storage breakout
o Health Reports
o Network
o Portals
4.       Cloud Experience
·       Compliance Center
o This showcase the feasibility of bringing same compliance system to on-premises which works well in O365 with Azure RMS.
o Discover and preserve with hybrid eDiscovery.
·       Cloud Search Service Application
o This unifies the on-premises and cloud data search from one search center.
o This also add value to Office Graph / Delve to extend the presence on on-premises.
o This can also leave search running in cloud only while indexing from on-premises and online.
·       Extranet
o Making easier to maintain and publish sites to Internet.
o Using O365 Identity federation services.
·       Team Sites
o Separate the data in either on-premises or in cloud
o Follow sites, documents or people in on-premises and master the information in cloud.
o Allowing ODF files creation.
·       Scenario Picker
o Hybrid deployment automation
o Select the Hybrid configuration required and use automated and wizard driven information to setup Hybdrid (forget the lengthy procedures and PowerShell scripts to run)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Error 0x80071A90

I have been working on my laptop for setting up my development environment and update Win 8.1 Pro. I keep getting the error 0x80071A90 while doing the windows update or trying to add windows features like Hyper-V or IIS.
I searched entire MS KB base, but could not find any solid base for the error. Then I get a reference that there could be an anti-virus program which is causing problem on disk for real time scan.
I switched off the anti-virus program and everything worked well. I was able to install the updates, enable windows features like Hyper-V or IIS without much problem.

I hope this can help someone.